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Amber Dawn Orton


Hi! I am Amber Dawn Orton. A mother and accomplished fitness industry professional who is passionate about leading an authentically healthy lifestyle. My background is in business and economics but I transitioned to full time personal training and dove into the fitness industry after I started competing in 2010. After extensive misguided nutrition and training advice throughout my competition preps, I was left with an unhealthy relationship with food and a damaged endocrine system. My real passion developed through helping myself and others reach their fitness goals in a truly HEALTHY way. Knowing I wanted to have children, I decided to stop competing and seek out an endocrinologist and hormone specialist in 2013/2014. These hardships really pushed forward my mission to put true health back into the fitness industry. I began healing and restoring my body to a healthy state through proper nutrition and balanced exercise and realized there was a true strategy to balance in reaching your health and fitness goals that could and would last a lifetime. 

I learned a lot along the way and started teaching my methods of true sustainable dieting to other coaches who had a similar past, passion and philosophy. This is how the ADOFitness team was brought together. We have built this business on the idea that true health starts at the cellular level and we are advocates of long term sustainable dieting methods. The fitness industry is NOT the health industry and we are determined to change that. 

About Amber

Modeling Credentials:

2004 "Oh Girls" University of Oregon Calendar Cover Model

2007 Miss Hawaiian Tropics Northwest Regional Winner

2008 Country Girls Calendar Feature Model

2009 Campus Girls USA Calendar Feature Model

2010 Francesca Bella Lingerie Print Model

2010 Sunsational Tanning Calendar Feature Model

2012 MaxMuscle Print Ad Feature- Oxygen, Muscle&Fitness,Muscle&Fitness Hers, Shape, Muscular Development, and FitnessRx Magazines

2013-2014 Oxygen Ad Feature for Beast Sports Nutrition

2014 August Issue of Ironman Magazine, 6 Page Hardbody Profile

2014 September Exercise Layout in Oxygen Magazine

2014 November Cover of Ironman Magazine

2015 February Ironman Swimsuit Edition Feature Model

2015 GNC/ Royal Sport Ltd. Promotional Model / Featured Ads

2015 December Oxygen Magazine Workout Feature Model

2015 December IronMan Magazine, 6 page Hardbody Feature

2016 January Oxygen Magazine Workout Spread Feature Model

2016 January “Transformation” Oxygen Magazine Workout

Spread Feature Model

2017 “Still In It” Trainer Programmer/Feature

2017 July Oxygen Magazine “Baby on Board” Feature

2017 December Train Magazine Cover Model

2017 December Train Magazine AMPD Nutrition Ad Feature


Show Credentials:

2010 NPC Seven Feathers Classic- 1st Place & Overall

2011 NPC Emerald Cup- 3rd Place2012 NPC Emerald Cup-2nd Place

2012 FitBody Contestant- Top 10 Finalist

2012 NPC Jr.Nationals - 4th Place

2013 NPC Emerald Cup- 1st Place

2013 NPC Jr.Nationals- 2nd Place


Thank you so much for helping me get my body back post baby wit out putting my health at risk!

Crystal Parker

I cannot say enough good things about Amber. She's a diamond in the rough in the fitness industry and has been an absolute blessing in my life.

Lauren Carter

Amber has been a HUGE inspiration and a great representation of health and having a balanced lifestyle.

Saige Eshelman

Contact Amber